Monday, December 15, 2008

Project Letters

I just received an email from Carlos E. Galindo, the coordinator for Project Letters who is trying to get anyone and everyone to write a letter to President Obama about immigration reform and mail it on February 12, 2009. This could be a great project for you and your student to work on together. Read on for more information . . .

Greetings, I'm Carlos E. Galindo and I am the Coordinator for Proyecto Cartas also known as Project Letters. We have launched a serious campaign to promote this very important project on a national and global basis. The concept behind this project is that every individual interested in immigration reform or bettering our economy here in these great United States send a letter to President Obama on February 12, 2009. Why February 12, 2009 you may ask? February 12, 2009 is the bicentennial birth date of Abraham Lincoln. As we all know Barack Obama has been greatly influenced by Abraham Lincoln and has patterned much of his political life after Lincoln and has quoted him in many speeches and in his book the "Audacity of Hope". This is a very symbolic date based on the fact that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves of their chains and the possibility exists that President Elect Obama could free those immigrants currently living in the shadows of their virtual chains.

Just imagine, millions of letters going out on the same day. What an impact this will have on the postal system and the media attention will be impressive. The infusion of money into the postal system will be incredible. This will allow the immigrants and others to voice their needs utilizing the oldest form of communication and allows those utilizing this method to avoid having to march in the streets and yet it is an assimilation into the American culture. The show of force from not just those immigrants seeking an immigration reform but those U.S.
Citizens who believe in the need to have low skilled labor to continue prospering this economy and to allow those twelve million plus undocumented immigrants to come out of the shadows and openly participate and contribute to this great nation.

We currently have support from the local media in print and the smaller television stations have had me on their programs explaining this program. We have garnered an incredible amount of support from the general public both Immigrants and mainstream Americans including African Americans and Asians. This is a non-partisan project and does not draw lines as to gender, race, creed or color. Everyone including children, the elderly and all family members can write a letter to our soon to be President, Barack Obama. All letters must be personally written. Many other have launched campaigns for letter writing, but unfortunately they included form letters signed by many participants in that project and as we know form letters do not carry the weight necessary to impact congress or the White House. These must be personally written in as brief as a few words or can be lengthy telling a personal story or dilemma, however all seeking the same change.

Immigration Reform!!!

Just Imagine millions of letters arriving to the White House two to three days after being sent on this very symbolic day!!! All letters must be ready for security purposes and must be categorized. This is an impressive and ambitious project!!!

It is important to note that I am not part of any particular organization and I am not in any way benefiting financially from this project. I am currently hosting a radio talk show and I actually pay to be on the air and give solid information to our community in Spanish.

The idea behind our radio show is to support the Hispanic Community and to allow them to have a voice in what is affecting them daily.

Please help us promote this very important project nationwide!!!!

Carlos E. Galindo

Proyecto Cartas
Project Letters <
Cell: (602)550-6246
Office: (602)222-9100

1901 N. 16th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85006

Carlos E. Galindo
Southwest Valley Literacy Association
"Teach someone to read, it lasts a lifetime"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for your support of Project Letters.

Thank you so much for supporting Proyecto Cartas also known as Project Letters. We are very happy with the results. I was at a press conference in East Phoenix at the Main Post Office and personally observed 10,000 letters going out all at the same time!!! It was fantastic. I had other volunteers in West Phoenix that exceeded that number at 13,000 letters that went out from a Postal Service there.

We had volunteers calling from Tucson, Arizona that launched hundreds from individuals that served as collection centers. There were thousands that went out from Tucson, Lake Havasu, Bullhead City, Prescott, Flagstaff. Unbelievable!!! Remember that isn't counting your efforts and all those from LA, San Diego, Frisco, Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and the list goes on. There had to be 40-50,00 out of Arizona alone. Oh, Nayarit, Mexico reported 3,500. We had been promoting it globally as well through international radio stations. Imagine....all those letters all going out on the same day. Abraham Lincoln's birth date and all asking for Immigration Reform in order to allow our people to come out of the shadows.

I feel so good about our efforts!!! I am fatigued, but it was all worth it!!!

I will keep you appraised of our new movement.

Carlos E. Galindo
Project Letters